U.S. Monetary Policy, Monetary Aggregates and S&P 500 Stock Prices: An Empirical Analysis, 2009-2016
Alison M Berry
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After the 2008 recession, the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank undertook massive quantitative easing in order to shore up the financial markets and facilitate economic growth. In this study I examine the relationship between money supply growth and the expansion of financial markets with a particular focus on S&P 500 stock returns. I test the hypothesis that stock prices covary directly with money supply growth i.e. R=A+B(MS) where R is the stock return, MS is the money supply, and A and B are the equation perimeters. I expect B to be greater than zero. Three measures of the money supply are used in the regression analysis: (1) the adjusted monetary base, (2) M1 money supply, and (3) M2 money supply. The time period 2009-2016 is considered to be a period of aggressive monetary easing.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Independent Research - Undergraduate
Primary Advisor
Trevor C. Collier
Primary Advisor's Department
Economics and Finance
Stander Symposium project
Recommended Citation
"U.S. Monetary Policy, Monetary Aggregates and S&P 500 Stock Prices: An Empirical Analysis, 2009-2016" (2017). Stander Symposium Projects. 962.