2020: Elizabeth Mackay, Milestone Book Selection
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Year of Recognition
Promotion to the rank of Associate Professor, Department of English
Book Selection
Shakespeare in the Margins: Language, Culture, Context, by Patricia A. Parker
Academic tenure, promotion, professional milestone
Recommended Citation
Mackay, Elizabeth, "2020: Elizabeth Mackay, Milestone Book Selection" (2020). Milestone Recognition Program. 43.

Why the honoree chose the book
In Shakespeare in the Margins, Parker models a feminist formalist methodology. Through a blend of literary and rhetorical theories and analysis, she examines the ways rhetorical figures of speech are heuristic keys to unlocking the puzzles of historical texts and the historical cultures that produced them. Parker's methodology became instrumental to my own research and growth as a scholar. In my study of early modern women's rhetorics and writings, I always return to Parker as my starting point for figuring out what historical women's texts do and how they figure (pun intended) in their historical contexts — and especially how they should figure for us now, when we read these texts centuries later.