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This Article is taken from Chapter 4, "Installment Land Contracts," of the authors' multi-volume treatise, Ohio Real Property Law and Practice, (Michie Co., 5th ed., to be published 1995). This Article appears in substantially the same form as it will appear in the upcoming treatise; however, the footnotes have been altered to conform with A Uniform System of Citation (15th ed. 1st printing 1991), copyright by the Columbia and University of Pennsylvania Law Reviews, the Harvard Law Review Association, and the Yale Law Journal.


Robert M. Curry is a Partner, Thompson, Hine and Flory, Dayton, Ohio. B.A. 1975, Miami University; J.D. 1978, Ohio State .University; James Geoffrey Durham is Professor of Law, University of Dayton School of Law. A.B. 1973, University of California, Berkeley; J.D. 1976, University of California, Davis.

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