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Providing law students the opportunity to observe trials at the law school is related to the recent development within the world of legal education recognizing that the process of preparing people to become lawyers can benefit from first-hand observation and participation in the lawyering process. This has resulted not only in the inclusion of courtroom facilities within law schools, but also in the incorporation of clinical training programs as part of the curriculum.

The movement to bring prospective lawyers into closer contact with the ongoing lawyering process has also received considerable impetus from the views of some of the leaders of our profession — notably Chief Justice Burger and Mr. Justice Clark — that our profession needs to place more attention on the development of the skills of the advocate.

I applaud this effort to incorporate into the lawyer preparation process a better understanding of how lawyering itself works.


Rex E. Lee, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division, Department of Justice, Washington D.C.; B.A., Brigham Young University, 1960; J.D., University of Chicago, 1963.

Publication Date

January 1977

Included in

Law Commons



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