
Document Type

Legislative Notes


Until 1973 the United States enjoyed declining real energy prices coupled with continued economic growth and increased energy consumption. Escalating energy costs due to foreign price increases and greater energy consumption have put this country in a perilous position. Growing reliance on foreign energy sources and the realization that our primary energy sources-petroleum, natural gas, and coal-are nonrenewable accentuate the energy problem. This energy dilemma has stirred the federal government and the states to varied reactions.

Conservation and the renewable energy sources-solar, wind, and geothermal are the focus for much of this governmental activity. Although renewable energy sources are promising, impeded legal access to them and their high initial-system cost are the most serious drawbacks to an otherwise bright future.

By enacting H.B. 154, the Ohio General Assembly has attempted to deal with the energy problem by focusing on renewable energy sources. The most important provisions in H.B. 154 endeavor to mitigate the drawbacks of the renewable energy sources by creating tax incentives and solar access easements. The anticipated effect of H.B. 154 is to stimulate the use of renewable energy systems. Principally, this will be accomplished by bringing renewable energy incentives up to par with the incentives that nonrenewable energy sources currently receive. Increased usage of renewable energy systems would help control inflation, create jobs in Ohio's solar energy industry, and conserve Ohio's supplies of fossil fuels. Thus, H.B. 154 responds to the energy problem by attempting to make the renewable energy sources physically accessible and economically practical.

The discussion of H.B. 154 begins with an analysis of the mechanics and procedures applicable to each eligible energy system enumerated in the bill. The final section analyzes the effectiveness of H.B. 154 in light of comparable statutes and problems identified by commentators.

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