
Document Type

Legislative Notes


In 1980 the Ohio legislature enacted major hazardous waste legislation in Senate Bill (S.B.) 269. Senate Bill 269 amends and enacts new provisions of Chapter 3734 (Solid Waste Disposal) of the Ohio Revised Code and represents Ohio's efforts to create a statutory framework for a comprehensive hazardous waste management program which closely parallels the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. The scope of S.B. 269, together with the regulations promulgated under it, encompasses all aspects of the activity surrounding hazardous wastes from generation to reclamation. Enactment of S.B. 269, however, raises uncertainty for both those administering the program and those seeking to comply with it. S.B. 269 also may create problems for Ohio in its efforts to gain federal authorization to administer a state hazardous waste management program in lieu of the federal program. This note will briefly explain federal activity which prompted the passage of a state hazardous waste management program, analyze the Ohio law, and discuss potential conflicts between S.B. 269 and the federal hazardous waste program.

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