Honors Theses


Tereza Szeghi



Publication Date

Spring 4-2016

Document Type

Honors Thesis


"Communitism" refers to literature that encourages activism by celebrating and promoting American Indian communities. This thesis investigates how the literary works, The Fus Fixico Letters (1902 – 1908) and Drowning in Fire (2004), are communitist by supporting specific political and social changes in Creek communities. Through The Fus Fixico Letters Alexander Posey promoted his progressive political convictions, including that Creeks should embrace land allotment and endorse the creation a separate state for American Indians. Drowning in Fire, by Craig Womack, takes place throughout 1904 – 1993 and relates traditional Creek stories and practices to modern life. The novel delves into issues such as homophobia, racism, and the negative repercussions of land allotment. These literary works’ use of communitism elucidates how the writers responded to their particular political and social challenges by addressing different specific communities within their tribe, while still supporting the survival and continuance of their Creek culture in general.

Permission Statement

This item is protected by copyright law (Title 17, U.S. Code) and may only be used for noncommercial, educational, and scholarly purposes.


Undergraduate research


English Language and Literature | Literature in English, North America | Literature in English, North America, Ethnic and Cultural Minority
