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There is an adage in the field of communication education that states, the difference between knowing and teaching is communication (Hurt, Scott, & McCroskey, 1978). That is, a teacher can be an expert in his or her field, but if he or she cannot communicate that knowledge in a way that students understand, learning is not achieved.

This statement highlights the central role of communication in the teaching and learning process. As communication education scholars and Basic Course Directors, we conduct research in the domains of communication pedagogy (i.e., research questions that address the best methods of teaching communication) and instructional communication (i.e., research questions that explore the relationships between teacher communication variables and student learning). In doing so, we have always found ourselves in the fortunate position of conducting research on the thing that we practice every day—teaching and teacher training.

More specifically, our teaching and training yields fertile ground for research, and our research serves to guide our teaching and training practices.



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