Proceedings: 2022 Global Voices on the University of Dayton Campus



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During this session, four female presenters from diverse academic and service backgrounds spoke about the global pandemic of the past two years as a catalyst to raise awareness on global concerns about human rights, education, environment, immigration, and racism. Panelists were Dr. Corinne Brion, a professor in the department of Education; Dr. Satang Nabaneh, Director of Programs at the University of Dayton Human Rights Center; Dr. Joann Wright Mawasha, deputy director at the city of Dayton Human Rights Council; and Dr. Maria Vivero, a professor in the department of Economics and Finance. Together, they spoke about how the pandemic has revealed the depths of our mutual dependence.


Higher Education | Race and Ethnicity | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies


These proceedings are available free for download but also available for purchase in print for $6 plus tax and shipping.

Resetting Global Awareness during the Global Pandemic
