QH-Singularity of Quasi-Uniform Spaces
Document Type
Topology + Asymmetric Structures
Publication Date
Publication Source
32nd Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications
In the book Uniform Spaces by Isbell it is wrongfully claimed that the Hausdorff uniformities associated with two distinct uniform structures on a set X define distinct hyperspace topologies. The question for which uniformities this claim is in fact true became known as the Isbell-Smith problem. In this talk we will take a closer look at the Isbell-Smith problem for quasi-uniform spaces. In particular, we will study the properties of QH-singular quasi-uniform spaces and describe the QH-equivalence class of a transitive quasi-uniformity.
Copyright © 2017, the Author
eCommons Citation
Vroegrijk, Tom, "QH-Singularity of Quasi-Uniform Spaces" (2017). Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications. 64.