The University of Dayton Department of Mathematics hosted the 32nd Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications June 27–30, 2017. The conference featured five sessions, each with a plenary speaker and two semi-plenary speakers. The conference also featured a presentation by Kathryn Mann of the University of California, Berkeley, the recipient of the 2016 Mary Ellen Rudin Young Researchers Award.
The event received sponsorship from the National Science Foundation to provide financial assistance to students, early career mathematicians, and those without institutional support. This collection includes abstracts and presentation slides for the research presented at the conference. Selected papers will be published in Topology Proceedings, ISSN 0146-4124.
Abstracts from conferences from 1995 to the present are available at the conference archive.
Conference Information
Conference Program, University of Dayton
Plenary Lectures
A Compact Minimal Space Whose Cartesian Square Is Not Minimal, Jan P. Boronski, Alex Clark, and Piotr Oprocha
Locally Compact Groups: Traditions and Trends, Karl Heinrich Hofmann, Wolfgang Herfort, and Francesco G. Russo
Order, Distance, Closure and Convergence: Reconciling Competing Fundamental Topological Concepts, Walter Tholen
Dense Subsets of Function Spaces with No Non-Trivial Convergent Sequences, Vladimir V. Tkachuk
Semi-plenary lectures
Braid Group Actions on Rational Maps, Eriko Hironaka and Sarah Koch
Classifying Matchbox Manifolds, Olga Lukina
Rigidity and Nonrigidity of Corona Algebras, Paul McKenney and Alessandro Vignati
Domains and Probability Measures: A Topological Retrospective, Michael Mislove
Topologically Homogeneous Continua, Isometrically Homogeneous Continua, and the Pseudo-Arc, Janusz Prajs
Topology and Order, Tom Richmond
On the Lindelöf Σ-Property and Some Related Conclusions, Reynaldo Rojas-Hernandez, Fidel Casarrubias-Segura, and Salvador Garcia-Ferreira
Topology + Algebra and Analysis
Quantale-Valued Gauge Groups and Approach Convergence Transformation Groups, T.M.G. Ahsanullah
On a Construction of Some Class of Metric Spaces, Dariusz Bugajewski
Generic Approximation and Interpolation by Entire Functions via Restriction of the Values of the Derivatives, Maxim R. Burke
Which Topological Groups Arise as Automorphism Groups of Locally Finite Graphs?, Xiao Chang and Paul Gartside
Compactly Supported Homeomorphisms as Long Direct Limits, Rafael Dahmen and Gábor Lukács
On the Tightness and Long Directed Limits of Free Topological Algebras, Gábor Lukács and Rafael Dahmen
Balanced and Functionally Balanced P-Groups, Menachem Shlossberg
Interpolation Sets in Compact Groups, Luis Tárrega, Salvador Hernandez, and Maria V. Ferrer
Topology + Asymmetric Structures
On Di-injective T0-Quasi-metric Spaces, Collins Amburo Agyingi
The Isbell-hull of an Asymmetrically Normed Space, Olivier Olela Otafudu, Jurie Conradie, and Hans-Peter Künzi
Enriched Topology and Asymmetry, Stephen Rodabaugh, Jeffrey T. Denniston, and Austin Melton
Relationships between Hereditary Sobriety, Sobriety, TD, T1, and Locally Hausdorff, Stephen Rodabaugh, Jeffrey T. Denniston, Austin Melton, and Jamal K. Tartir
On Quasi-Uniform Box Products, Hope Sabao and Olivier Olela Otafudu
QH-Singularity of Quasi-Uniform Spaces, Tom Vroegrijk
Topology + Dynamics and Continuum Theory
A Trace Formula for Foliated Flows (working paper), Jesús A. Álvarez López, Yuri A. Kordyukov, and Eric Leichtnam
Entropy of Induced Continuum Dendrite Homeomorphisms, Jennyffer Bohorquez and Alexander Arbieto
Pseudo-Contractibility, Felix Capulín, Leonardo Juarez-Villa, and Fernando Orozco
Topology and Experimental Distinguishability, Gabriele Carcassi, Christine A. Aidala, David J. Baker, and Mark J. Greenfield
Liouville Numbers and One-sided Ergodic Hilbert Transformations, David Constantine and Joanna Furno
Hausdorff Dimension of Kuperberg Minimal Sets, Daniel Ingbretson
The Specification Property and Infinite Entropy for Certain Classes of Linear Operators, James Kelly, Will Brian, and Tim Tennant
Shift Maps and Their Variants on Inverse Limits with Set-Valued Functions, Judy Kennedy, Kazuhiro Kawamura, Van Nall, and Goran Erceg
Sequential Decreasing Strong Size Properties, Miguel A. Lara, Fernando Orozco, and Felix Capulín
Aperiodic Colorings and Dynamics, Ramon Barral Lijo and Jesús A. Álvarez López
Quotients of n-fold Hyperspaces, Sergio Macías and Javier Camargo
A New Class of Dendrites Having Unique Second Symmetric Product, David Maya, José G. Anaya, and Fernando Orozco Zitli
On Continua with Regular Non-abelian Self Covers, Mathew Timm
Topology + Foundations
Revelation of Nano Topology in Cech Rough Closure Spaces, V. Antonysamy, Llellis Thivagar, and Arockia Dasan
On Cohomological Dimensions of Remainders of Stone-Čech Compactifications, Vladimer Baladze
On Roitman's Principle for Box Products, Hector Alonso Barriga-Acosta
On the Chogoshvili Homology Theory of Continuous Maps of Compact Spaces, Anzor Beridze and Vladimer Baladze
On Cardinality Bounds Involving the Weak Lindelöf Degree and H-Closed Spaces, Nathan Carlson, Angelo Bella, and Jack Porter
Sequential Order of Compact Scattered Spaces, Alan Dow
Spaces with No S or L Subspaces, Joan Hart and Kenneth Kunen
Disjoint Infinity Borel Functions, Daniel Hathaway
Uncountable Discrete Sets and Forcing, Akira Iwasa
Properties of Weak Domain Representable Spaces, Joe Mashburn
On the Axiomatic Systems of Steenrod Homology Theory of Compact Spaces, Leonard Mdzinarishvili and Anzor Beridze
Compactness via Adherence Dominators, Bhamini M. P. Nayar, Terrence A. Edwards, James E. Joseph, and Myung H. Kwack
Normal Images of a Product and Countably Paracompact Condensation, Jila Niknejad
Relationships between Topological Properties of X and Algebraic Properties of Intermediate Rings A(X), Joshua Sack
Some Applications of the Point-Open Subbase Game, David Guerrero Sanchez
Cohen Reals and the Sequential Order of Groups, Alexander Shibakov
Fiber Strong Shape Theory for Topological Spaces, Ruslan Tsinaridze and Vladimer Baladze
Some New Completeness Properties in Topological Spaces, Cetin Vural and Süleyman Önal
Topology + Geometry
On Product Stability of Asymptotic Property C, Gregory C. Bell and Andrzej Nagórko
Virtual Seifert Surfaces and Slice Obstructions For Knots in Thickened Surfaces, Micah Chrisman, Hans U. Boden, and Robin Gaudreau
Totally Geodesic Surfaces in Arithmetic Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds, Benjamin Linowitz and Jeffrey S. Meyer
Uncountably Many Quasi-Isometry Classes of Groups of Type FP, Ignat Soroko, Robert Kropholler, and Ian Leary
Extension Theorems for Large Scale Spaces via Neighbourhood Operators, Thomas Weighill and Jerzy Dydak
Lifting Homeomorphisms of Cyclic Branched Covers of the Sphere, Rebecca R. Winarski and Tyrone Ghaswala
Entropy in Topological Groups, Part 1, Dikran Dikranjan
Entropy in Topological Groups, Part 2, Dikran Dikranjan