Document Type
Topology + Foundations
Publication Date
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32nd Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications
In the paper the necessary and sufficient conditions are found under which a metrizable space has the Stone-Cech compactification whose remainder has the given cohomological dimensions (cf. [Sm], Problem I, p.332 and Problem II, p.334, and [A-N]).
In the paper [B] an outline of a generalization of Cech homology theory was given by replacing the set of all finite open coverings in the definition of Cech (co)homology group (Ĥnf(X, A;G)) Ĥnf(X, A;G) (see [E-S], Ch.IX, p.237) by the set of all finite open families of border open coverings [Sm1].
Following Y. Kodama (see the appendix of [N]), we give the following definition:
Definition 1. The border small cohomological dimension d∞f(X;G) of normal space X with respect to group G is defined to be the smallest integer n such that, whenever m ≥ n and A is closed in X, the homomorphism i*A, ∞:Ĥ∞m(X;G)→ [^(H)]∞m(A;G) induced by the inclusion i:A→ X is an epimorphism.
The border small cohomological dimension of X with coefficient group G is a function df∞:N→ N∪{0, + ∞}:X→ n, where d∞f(X;G)=n and N is the set of all positive integers.
We have the following results:
Theorem 2. Let X be a metrizable space. Then the following equality df∞(X;G) = df(βX\X;G)
holds, where df(βX\X;G) is the small cohomological dimension of βX\X (see [N], p.199).
Theorem 3. Let A be a closed subspace of a normal space X. Then df∞(A;G) ≤ df∞(X;G).
Corollary 4. For each closed subspace A of a metrizable space X, df∞(A;G) ≤ df(βX\X;G).
Definition 5. The border large cohomological dimension D∞f(X;G) of normal space X with respect to group G is defined to be the largest integer n such that Ĥ∞n(X, A;G) ≠ 0 for some closed set A of X.
The border large cohomological dimension of X with coefficient group G is a function D∞f:N→ N∪{0, + ∞}:X→ n, where D∞f(X;G)=n and N is the set of all positive integers.
Theorem 6. For each metrizable space X, one has D∞f(X;G) = Df(βX\X;G),
where Df(βX\X;G) is the large cohomological dimension of βX\X (see [N], p.199).
Theorem 7. If A is a closed subset of normal space X, then D∞f(A;G) ≤ D∞f(X;G).
Corollary 8. For each closed subspace A of metrizable space X, one has Df∞(A;G) ≤ Df(βX\X;G).
Theorem 9. If X is a normal space, then d∞f(X;G) ≤ D∞f(X;G).
Corollary 10. For each metrizable space X, one has df(βX\X;G) ≤ Df∞(X;G)
and df∞(X;G) ≤ Df(βX\X;G).
Remark 11.The results of this paper also hold for spaces satisfying the compact axiom of countability [Sm1]. The locally metrizable spaces, complete in the seance of Cech spaces and locally compact spaces satisfy the compact axiom of countability.
Copyright © 2017, the Authors
eCommons Citation
Baladze, Vladimer, "On Cohomological Dimensions of Remainders of Stone-Čech Compactifications" (2017). Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications. 51.
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