"On Roitman's Principle for Box Products" by Hector Alonso Barriga-Acosta
Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications

Document Type

Topology + Foundations

Publication Date


Publication Source

32nd Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications


One of the oldest problems in box products is if the countable box product of the convergent sequence is normal. It is known that consistenly (e.g., b=d, d=c) the answer is affirmative. A recent progress is due to Judy Roitman that states a combinatorial principle which also implies the normality and holds in many models.

Although the countable box product of the convergent sequence is normal in some models of b < d < c, Roitman asked what happen with her principle in this models. We answer that Roitman's principle is true in some models of b < d < c.


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