Document Type
Topology + Asymmetric Structures
Publication Date
Publication Source
32nd Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications
Mathematically modeling the question of how to satisfactorily compare, in many-valued ways, both bitstrings and the predicates which they might satisfy-a surprisingly intricate question when the conjunction of predicates need not be commutative-applies notions of enriched categories and enriched functors. Particularly relevant is the notion of a set enriched by a po-groupoid, which turns out to be a many-valued preordered set, along with enriched functors extended as to be "variable-basis". This positions us to model the above question by constructing the notion of topological systems enriched by many-valued preorders, systems whose associated extent spaces motivate the notion of topological spaces enriched by many-valued preorders, spaces which are non-commutative when the underlying lattice-theoretic base is equipped with a non-commutative (semi-)tensor product. Of special interest are crisp and many-valued specialization preorders generated by many-valued topological spaces, orders having these consequences for many-valued spaces: they characterize the well-established L-T0 separation axiom, define the L-T1(1) separation axiom-logically equivalent under appropriate lattice-theoretic conditions to the L-T1 axiom of T. Kubiak, and define an apparently new L-T1(2) separation axiom. Along with the consequences of such ideas for many-valued spectra, these orders show that asymmetry has a home in many-valued topology comparable in at least some respects to its home in traditional topology.
Copyright © 2017, the Authors
eCommons Citation
Rodabaugh, Stephen; Denniston, Jeffrey T.; and Melton, Austin, "Enriched Topology and Asymmetry" (2017). Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications. 55.
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