"Dense Subsets of Function Spaces with No Non-Trivial Convergent Sequen" by Vladimir V. Tkachuk
Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications

Document Type

Plenary Lecture

Publication Date


Publication Source

32nd Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications


We will show that a monolithic compact space X is not scattered if and only if Cp(X) has a dense subset without non-trivial convergent sequences. Besides, for any cardinal κ ≥ c, the space Rκ has a dense subspace without non-trivial convergent sequences. If X is an uncountable σ-compact space of countable weight, then any dense set Y ⊂ Cp(X) has a dense subspace without non-trivial convergent sequences. We also prove that for any countably compact sequential space X, if Cp(X) has a dense k-subspace, then X is scattered.


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