
Volume 26 (2014)

Front Matter


Editor's Page
Joseph M. Valenzano III



Preparing to Learn: Structuring the Basic Course to Increase Student Preparation and Learning
Melissa A. Broeckelman-Post, Melissa F. Tindage, Jewlz M. Shaffer, Chantel Solomon, Sarah J. Black, and Mylen F. Yamamoto


Back Matter


Joseph M. Valenzano III
Editorial Board
David Bodary
LeAnn M. Brazeal
Melissa Broeckelman-Post
Mark Butland
Katherine J. Denker
Cassandra Dickson
Adam Earnheardt
Deanna Fassett
Brandi Frisby
Jonathan Hess
John F. Hooker
Angela M. Hosek
Adam C. Jones
Richard Jones
Jeffrey Kuznekoff
Andrew Ledbetter
Luke LeFebvre
Joseph Mazer
Kevin Meyer
John J. Miller
Sandy Penseneau-Conway
William Seiler
Deanna Sellnow
Cheri Simonds
Amy Slagell
Cynthia Smith
Blair C. Thompson
William Upchurch
Beth Waggenspack
Shawn Wahl
Jennifer Waldeck
Samuel P. Wallace
Tiffany R. Wang
Joshua Westwick
Donald Yoder

ISBN: 978-0-89641-531-7