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Research Articles
Basic Course Directors (BCDs) are typically expected to assess course learning outcomes, but few formal guidelines and resources exist for new BCDs. As one part of a larger multi-methodological assessment tool development project, this manuscript maps existing quantitative measures onto the six essential competencies and associated learning outcomes established by the Social Science Research Council Panel on Public Speaking. This manuscript compiles dozens of measurement resources, aligned by outcome, and also identifies areas where future assessment measures development is needed. While there are many measures available for evaluating outcomes related to creating messages, critically analyzing messages, and demonstrating self-efficacy, there are measurement gaps for outcomes related to communication ethics, embracing difference, and influencing public discourse.
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Broeckelman-Post, Melissa A.; Hunter, Karla M.; Westwick, Joshua N.; Hosek, Angela; Ruiz-Mesa, Kristina; Hooker, John; and Anderson, Lindsey B.
"Measuring Essential Learning Outcomes for Public Speaking,"
Basic Communication Course Annual: Vol. 32, Article 4.
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