2017 Care of Hearts and Souls


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Thursday, June 22nd
8:30 AM

Prayer and Introductions

Susan M. Ferguson, University of Dayton
Kevin R. Kelly, University of Dayton

Meyer Room, 1700 South Patterson Building

8:30 AM

8:50 AM

Purpose-Driven Schools: Cultivating Character in Your Classroom

Peg Dubrowski

Meyer Room, 1700 South Patterson Building

8:50 AM

Catholic schools distinguish themselves by serving the singular mission of guiding the young to live their True Purpose — knowing and loving God, completely and fiercely, and loving others in God’s name. Every classroom, setting, and interaction is charged with this mission. What’s the key prerequisite to living one’s Purpose? Awareness. When we monitor and manage our thinking and emotions, they become our allies rather than our nemesis! Today’s session will equip you with concrete strategies for using your classroom and content area to cultivate the habits of self-awareness, self-management, virtues and personal responsibility.

10:10 AM

Panel Discussion on Christian Meditation

Robin Johnson
Jake LaForge
Jessica Reed

Meyer Room, 1700 South Patterson Building

10:10 AM

When a whole school embraces the regular practice of Christian meditation, the effects can be transformational. Listen to principals and teachers who have developed and implemented the practice of Christian meditation within their schools and have witnessed the far-reaching effects on students.

11:00 AM

Group Discussion

Meyer Room, 1700 South Patterson Building

11:00 AM

12:00 PM

Mental Health in the Classroom, What It Is, and How to Assist Students

Rhonda Mercs, University of Dayton
Caren Brockman
Michelle Schaffer
Michelle Sherman

12:00 PM

Mental illness is a non-academic barrier to learning. During this presentation you will learn how anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder affects student participation and learning in the classroom. You will be given strategies to implement to assist the success of each student.

1:15 PM

Bullying Prevention: A Child's Life at Peace

Rhonda Mercs, University of Dayton
Caren Brockman
Michelle Schaffer
Michelle Sherman

Meyer Room, 1700 South Patterson Building

1:15 PM

“My child is being bullied in your class/school.” Have you been faced with this statement before? If so, how did you respond? During this presentation you will learn the definition, types, and impact of bullying, and strategies to use in your school to deal with bullies. Bullying needs to be addressed as a community (principals, teachers, parents, and students). Ideas will be shared to implement programs in your schools.

2:30 PM

Group Discussion

Meyer Room, 1700 South Patterson Building

2:30 PM

3:00 PM

Many Mansions: Spiritual Culture in Catholic Schools

John White

Meyer Room, 1700 South Patterson Building

3:00 PM

While much focus has been given to the preservation of Catholic identity in schools, little attention has been paid to the development or preservation of a Catholic culture in the school, a culture informed by personal as well as collective spiritual activity. Moving from the particular to the universal, Dr. White will discuss how different strands within the Catholic spiritual tradition can help teachers deepen their commitment to the Lord and to their vocations, and can thereby strengthen the Catholic culture within their schools.