Anchored Sheet Pile Walls Constructed on Sloping Ground

Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


Publication Source

Contemporary Topics in Ground Modification, Problem Soils, and Geo-Support


Conventional methods used in the design of anchored sheet pile walls are based on the limit equilibrium approach and they do not consider processes involved during construction. The sheet pile walls constructed on slopes may require both cut and fill operations. Varying amounts of cut and fill sections cause different loading and unloading of soils around the wall resulting in different wall behavior. The effects of simultaneous cut and fill operations for varying slope angles and cut to fill ratios on wall behavior were investigated using numerical methods. Sheet piling with a single anchor was considered. Wall deformations, bending moments, and anchor forces were investigated for the conditions studied. The results of the study show that the wall deformations and bending moments are significantly affected by the amount of cut and fill that occur during the construction of anchored sheet pile walls. This paper presents the results and findings of the parametric study performed for the sheet pile walls constructed on slopes, where both cut and fill operations are required during construction.

Inclusive pages





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American Society of Civil Engineers

Place of Publication

Orlando, FL

Peer Reviewed

