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IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
We revisit link lifetimes in random P2P graphs under dynamic node failure and create a unifying stochastic model that generalizes the majority of previous efforts in this direction. We not only allow nonexponential user lifetimes and age-dependent neighbor selection, but also cover both active and passive neighbor-management strategies, model the lifetimes of incoming and outgoing links, derive churn-related message volume of the system, and obtain the distribution of transient in/out degree at each user. We then discuss the impact of design parameters on overhead and resilience of the network.
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Place of Publication
Santa Barbara, CA
Peer Reviewed
In-degree, stochastic modeling, user churn, Delays, IEEE transactions, Peer-to-peer computing, Piecewise linear approximation, Resilience, Shape, Tuning
eCommons Citation
Yao, Zhongmei and Cline, Daren B. H., "Unstructured P2P Link Lifetimes Redux" (2014). Computer Science Faculty Publications. 9.
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Databases and Information Systems Commons, OS and Networks Commons, Other Computer Sciences Commons, Programming Languages and Compilers Commons, Theory and Algorithms Commons
Publisher Citation
Yao, Z.; Cline, D.B.H.; Loguinov, D., "Unstructured P2P Link Lifetimes Redux," Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on, doi: 10.1109/TNET.2014.2306153