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This venture was born initially out of the desire to make those works of Bengali literature which have moved me profoundly, and which I consider first-rate by any yardstick, available to friends and fellow enthusiasts who cannot read the original. In attempting to channel literary and philosophical masterpieces into a different medium, I Have experienced firsthand the formidable challenge that a translator must face because not only of the barrier imposed by the languages involved, but perhaps more so because .of his or her own severely inadequate faculty being called upon to match both the genius and the inspiration of the creator. But I trust that the love of literature and the written word which drives such a precarious project, often makes up in some measure for the beauty, grace and import of the original lost in transition.

I would also hope that a translator's impertinence and deficiencies have the clemency of the creator, in person or in spirit. On a personal note, I must express my appreciation to my friend and colleague Dr. Anjan Ghosh for sharing many hours of long-distance discussions of our mutual interest in the literature and culture of India. I must also offer my love and thanks to my wife, Toyoti, who valiantly stood by me during a time when she could not be by my side. Special thanks are also due to Professor P. Lal of the Writers Workshop for his kind encouragement, Shri N.D. Mehra and Shri R.K. Mehra, my publishers, who were brave enough to undertake publishing a literary classic, given today's trends in readership ix worldwide, and Dr. Debashish Sanyal for playing an active role in making this publication possible. Above all, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my father, Shri Suranjan Chatterjee, for his boundless love and support.



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Published Version


The introduction is provided for download with the permission of the translator. To read the entire volume, visit an academic library or use the ISBN to search for a copy for purchase. Permission documentation is on file.


HarperCollins Publishers India


