Proceedings: 2020 Global Voices on the University of Dayton Campus
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Enhancing Global Consciousness on College Campuses and Beyond: Proceedings of the 2020 Global Voices Symposium
University of Dayton
Certainly, this topic sounds important, even if it also sounds a bit overwhelming. That word global can seem intimidating, particularly when even the local challenges us. But this evening I hope to narrow the globe down and speak about Africa, and about the ongoing Anglophone Conflict in Cameroon. My hope is to show how and why the African Continent and Cameroon matter to us in this room and beyond.
International and Comparative Education
eCommons Citation
Amin, Julius A., "A Dayton, Ohio, Community Casts Two Challenging Questions: Why Does Africa Matter? Why Care about Cameroon’s Anglophone Crisis?" (2020). Proceedings: 2020 Global Voices on the University of Dayton Campus. 6.
These proceedings, free for download but also available for purchase in print for $5 plus tax and shipping, contain content provided by the participants. Some presenters did not include their presentation materials in the proceedings. Texts have been edited for clarity.