Predicting passage of new-money operating levy subsequent to passage of bond issue

Date of Award


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Educational Leadership


Department of Educational Leadership


Advisor: Barbara M. De Luca


The purpose of this study was, first, to investigate which of nine factors were significant predictors of passage of first attempt new-money operating levies subsequent to passage of a construction bond levy. The nine factors included bond millage, effective millage rate, length of operating levy, levy type, mean property value per pupil, median income, operating levy millage, time between bond and levy, and bond passage rate. The second purpose was to determine how the significant predictors differed in each Ohio Department of Education typology. The results of the discriminant analysis performed on all districts combined and on each typology revealed that in urban school districts, Typology 7 (N=12), and in all districts combined (N=129), the predictor variables significantly discriminated between school levies that passed and school levies that failed. However, due to the small number of useable districts in Typology 7, much care should be taken when drawing conclusions. For all school districts combined, the results of the discriminant analysis showed that the Wilks Lambda (0.768) for the discriminant function was significant at p=.05 (p=.000). The function explained 23.2% of the variation in determining whether a school levy passed or failed. The results of the discriminant analysis showed that a high bond issue approval rate and a low operating levy millage are the best indicators of passage of a new-money operating levy following the passage of a bond issue.


School bonds Ohio, Voting research Ohio, Expenditures, Public Statistics, Expenditures, Public Forecasting, Bonds Ohio, Education Finance, Educational Leadership, School Administration, School Finance, school levy, bond issue, operating levy, typology

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