"Towards a zero: energy smart building with advanced energy storage tec" by Ashish Gogia

Towards a zero: energy smart building with advanced energy storage technologies

Date of Award


Degree Name

M.S. in Electrical Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Advisor: Guru Subramanyam


Current trends in energy demands and supply are unsustainable economically, environmentally and socially. If this trend continues then the amount of energy related emissions of carbon dioxide will be more than double by 2050 leading to uncontrollable global warming, and the increased fossil fuel demand will become a serious threat to the security of resources. Energy efficient buildings, energy demand forecasting, integration of renewable energy systems, and advanced energy storage technologies are the various measures that can support energy security and climate change. Energy storage technologies can help in better integration of our electricity and heating systems, and can play a crucial role in energy system de-carbonization. They can also assist in improving electricity grid stability, reliability and resilience, better distribution of energy and system efficiency. Most promising energy storage technologies are still in the early stages of development and are currently struggling to compete with other state-of-the-art market technologies due to high costs and reliability issues. This research focuses on forecasting the energy load-demand profile of any residential or commercial building on a monthly/hourly basis with variations in climate/weather. Based on the load forecasted, this work predicts suitable energy storage technologies that are cost-efficient, and can meet the forecasted heating and cooling demands of buildings in any region.


Buildings Energy conservation Forecasting, Energy consumption Forecasting, Energy storage, Energy consumption Regional disparities, Energy consumption Climatic factors, Engineering, Energy, Smart energy management, Energy storage technologies, Renewable energy, Reliability

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