Increasing parental involvement: the effectiveness of a parent education program in one urban charter school

Date of Award


Degree Name

Ed.S. in School Psychology


Department of Counselor Education & Human Services


Advisor: Susan Davies


Parental involvement in education improves students' learning and development (Reece, Staudt, & Ogle, 2013). In spite of this, a number of barriers exist--particularly in low-income, urban areas--which discourage or prevent parents from becoming actively involved. Thus, the current study examined the effectiveness of a parental involvement program, as perceived by stakeholders, in increasing parental involvement in one urban, elementary, charter school. A summative program evaluation was completed; data were gathered through (n = 48) parent/guardian and (n = 10) teacher and school administrator surveys. Results indicated that stakeholders hold neutral perceptions of the overall effectiveness of the Classroom Parent Community (CPC) program. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.


Education, Primary Parent participation, Education Parent participation, Home and school, Charter schools, Urban schools, Education, parental involvement, parent education program, parent-teacher partnerships, program evaluation, charter school, urban school

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Copyright © 2017, author
