Date of Award


Degree Name

M.S. in Education


Since inclusive programs are a relatively new phenomenon this question has become highly debatable. Stainbeck, Stainbeck and East (1994) states the goal of inclusion in schools is to create a world in which all people are knowledgable about and supportive of all other people and that goal is not achieved by some false image of inclusion. According to Green and Shinn (1994) parents who oppose inclusion or regular classroom integration seem to be satisfied with the special education services their child is currently receiving. Parents are unaware of the constant changes being made regarding their child's education and therefore, may be reluctant to change regardless of the basis for their decisions. According to Kirk and Gallagher (1979) parents have moved from a position in which they were considered to be the child's problem are now a part of the educational process in planning for their child's education. Green and Shinn (1994) believe those parents in favor of inclusion are typically supportive of reintegrating atypical students with disabilities back into the regular classroom for instructional purposes. Parents who support inclusion seem to do so based on improved academic performance and social integration of their child's self-concept and exposure to typical peer models (Simpson and Myles, 1989). The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of I975 (P.L. 94-142) require that parents of children with disabilities be involved in the educational decision making and in the planning of the child's special education program (Burggraf, 1979). This has let parents take a stand, either one way or another, supporting their child's education. The purpose of this study is to address parent knowledge and attitude issues of multiple handicapped children in depth. A Parent Survey will determine the correlation between existing relationships on the effects of inclusion.


Children with disabilities Education Ohio Allen County, Parents of children with disabilities Ohio Allen County Attitudes

Rights Statement

Copyright © 1996, author
