Date of Award


Degree Name

M.S. in Education


The transition from childhood to adulthood is frequently a troublesome time for students. Biological changes, combined with psychological changes, often produce a difficult period of adjustment. As many students are experiencing this "not a child anymore, but yet not an adult" period, most are asked to endure a critical change in their educational environment. A self-contained classroom, with one, or possibly two teachers, and familiar classmates and surroundings is suddenly changed to a larger, unfamiliar environment. Students may have six to eight teachers with as many classrooms, and many unfamiliar faces, activities, requirements, and responsibilities. In order to assist students in this transition, this researcher believed that identifying the fears students had as they entered junior high school would assist educators in planning and providing appropriate programs to respond to and, hopefully, to ease students' anxieties.


Junior high school students, School phobia

Rights Statement

Copyright © 1994, author
