"Motivating middle school students to read" by Barbara A. Hunt

Date of Award


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M.S. in Education


A reading teacher's goal should go beyond teaching children to read. It should be to develop in them a love for reading. This goal must be a priority in the curriculum (Gambrell, 1994). We need to motivate students to become lifelong readers (Wilson, 1992). The student who can read, but chooses not to is probably the most crucial concern confronting our educational institutions today. It is not illiteracy, but a literacy we are combating (Moorman, 1983). At what point in their education do many students stop reading voluntarily? Research shows there is a significant decrease in recreational reading at the seventh and eighth grade levels even though a majority of students indicate they enjoyed reading in elementary school (McCoy, et al. 1991). Therefore, the middle school teacher needs knowledge of teaching strategies which motivate students to develop independent reading habits. The search for teaching methods which effectively improve middle school students' attitudes toward reading and encourage voluntary reading led to the research and development of this handbook.


Motivation in education Ohio Columbus, Middle school students Education Reading, Reading (Elementary) Ohio Columbus

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Copyright © 1996, author
