"Spatially Targeted Activation of a SMP" by John Paul Puttmann

Spatially Targeted Activation of a SMP

Date of Award


Degree Name

M.S. in Aerospace Engineering


Department of Aerospace Engineering


Advisor: James Joo


The purpose of the research is to identify the mechanical properties of a skin, an infilled honeycomb, for morphing aircraft and investigate ways to optimize the geometry of the honeycomb. The first phase of the project included identifying the material properties of the honeycomb and SMP. The next phase included researching available models and developing an appropriate means to optimize the unit cell, this included experimental models, computational models, and various analytical models. Existing analytical models worked well for the infilled honeycomb at low infill modulus but when the infill modulus comes close to the honeycomb modulus a rule of mixtures is a better approximation of the composite modulus. The analytical equation also showed good correlation in plane in the primary orthogonal axes but poor correlation in shear. The sensitivity studies with the analytical equations showed no local minima leaving the constraints and objective function as the leading factor in any optimized solution. The research lays the ground work for future design of morphing aircraft skins.


Aerospace Engineering, SMP, Morphing Skin, adaptive structure, honeycomb, morphing wing, morphing skin, composite skin, aerospace structures, monolithic skin

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