"A Usage Study of the Write Place at the University of Dayton" by Emily Rose Stainbrook

A Usage Study of the Write Place at the University of Dayton

Date of Award


Degree Name

M.A. in English


Department of English


Advisor: Stephen Wilhoit


This is a usage study of the University of Dayton's Write Place. Christina Klimo, the Write Place Coordinator, has noticed that as students progress through their four years of study, they are less likely to go to the Write Place. Using surveys and interviews, this study seeks to determine why juniors and seniors do not go to the Write Place as often as first-year and sophomore students. While the results of this study are not replicable and the tools used may not be applicable to every writing center's situation, this research does prove that further assessments of this type should be conducted to further writing center research.


Composition, Education, writing center, writing center assessment, usage study, remedial stigma, novice writing

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