Assessment of time-dependent capacity of driven piles in Ohio soils

Date of Award


Degree Name

M.S. in Civil Engineering


Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Engineering Mechanics


Advisor: Ömer Bilgin


After installation, many driven piles experience time-dependent increases in total capacity, known as pile setup. The gained capacity is due mainly to the dissipation of excess pore water pressure, which causes increased frictional resistance along the pile length. The rate of pile setup is variable and depends on the soil conditions. There have been limited studies of pile setup conducted on Ohio soils. For this thesis, a series of analytical approaches were conducted on statewide driven pile data in order to determine predictive correlations for pile setup on Ohio soils. The approaches included analyzing the geographical distribution of pile setup, the existing pile setup models, and the correlations between soil properties and pile setup factors. Approximately 90% of the piles that were analyzed gained capacity over the time interval from the initial driving to the pile restrike. The geographic analysis did not find strong correlations between the pile setup factors and the statewide geography. Meanwhile, the Skov-Denver (1988) existing pile setup model worked well in predicting the restrike pile capacity. The pile setup factors found strong correlations with the moisture content and the standard penetration test results, while the pile setup factors were unable to find strong trends with the plasticity index and soil composition based off the given boring logs.


Civil Engineering, pile setup, Ohio soils, driven piles, setup factor, soil properties

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