"Electronic Protection Using Two Non-Coherent Marine Radars" by Turki Mohammed J Alanazi

Electronic Protection Using Two Non-Coherent Marine Radars

Date of Award


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Advisor: Michael C. Wicks


The goal of this research is to develop a method that allows for the processing of bistatic modified non-coherent marine radar's signals coherently, for the purpose of the warfare and electronic protection. Since the marine radar transmit signal is a non-coherent signal, it makes it difficult for the jammer to deceive the radar. Each marine radar is physically modified to work coherently and then configured to form bistatic radar. In this work, a method is presented for coherent processing of signals from a bistatic magnetron oscillator based marine radar. The feasibility of this approach was previously demonstrated for a monostatic radar through a hardware modification that allowed for capture of data and processing in PC. It is demonstrated here that operating two radars in this manner and combining their resulting signals allows for an improvement in overall detection and tracking. Our approach works by sampling the transmitted and received signals at each radar. Cross-correlations between all four combinations of transmitted and received signals are used to demonstrate the limits due to mutual interference in a bistatic/multistatic system of radars. This processing is successfully demonstrated in software, showing the potential for coherency between two marine radars. In general, bistatic coherent radars are very expensive, and this work provides a method for achieving the equivalent coherent performance using two modified non-coherent radar systems.


Electrical Engineering, DRFM, electronic protection, non-coherent radar, bistatic radar, radar detection and tracking, cross-correlation

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Copyright © 2018, author
