"First-year Students' Expectations of and Satisfaction with Residence H" by Thomas E. Burkhardt

First-year Students' Expectations of and Satisfaction with Residence Hall Housing

Date of Award


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Educational Leadership


Department of Educational Administration


Advisor: Thomas J. Lasley, II


This study investigated if differences existed in students' expectations and satisfaction with first-year on-campus housing by their academic areas of study. Statistically significant differences existed between Social Science majors and Engineering majors relative to expectations regarding their residence halls. Additionally, statistically significant differences existed between the level of expectations for women and men, with women having higher expectations regarding the essential features for their housing facilities. No statistically significant differences emerged between the mean scores in students' satisfaction by academic area, but a multiple regression analysis found that majoring in the Liberal Arts was a statistically significant predictor of having higher levels of satisfaction with residence housing. While only a few differences existed in students' levels of satisfaction and their expectations based on their academic major, the physical facility or building that students lived in was a statistically significant predictor of students' expectations for and satisfaction with the residence halls in which they were housed. These results show that in addition to new construction and renovation of existing facilities, schools need to maintain the quality of their current supply of housing due to the connection between satisfaction with facilities and student academic success. Additionally, well-maintained facilities keep high education institutions competitive in terms of recruiting students. Finally, as demographics change for incoming first-year students, it is crucial to find ways to support academic achievement and success. The engagement and development students receive in on-campus housing is one way that institutions can promote student retention and educational attainment.


Higher Education Administration, Higher Education, Design, residence hall satisfaction, student housing, residence hall facilities, student housing expectations, residence hall design

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