"School Based Restorative Justice: Philosophical Alignment and Discipli" by Kourtney Koehler

School Based Restorative Justice: Philosophical Alignment and Discipline Outcomes

Date of Award


Degree Name

Specialist in Education (Ed.S.)


Department of Counselor Education and Human Services


Advisor: Susan Davies


When the Restorative Justice (RJ) model is implemented in multiple schoolbuildings and reflected in the community standards, a positive impact is experienced bystudents, school staff members, and parents (Pavelka, 2013). The purpose of this study wasto evaluate the relationship between school staff member's philosophical alignment to RJpractices and student discipline outcomes; specifically, office discipline referrals (ODRs).This study also reviewed the differences in grade levels with regard to the rate of ODRsand the alignment to RJ practices. Results indicated a small relationship between strongalignment with RJ practices and fewer student ODRs. The results also found that the rateof ODRs increased as grade levels increased, and the staff member's alignment to RJpractices was not significantly different among all five grade levels.


Education, Behavioral Psychology, Psychology, Restorative Justice, alternative discipline practices, discipline outcomes, philosophical alignment

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