"Two Axis Fixture Calibration Utilizing Industrial Robot Artifact Objec" by Thomas Henry Benton

Two Axis Fixture Calibration Utilizing Industrial Robot Artifact Object Touch Sensing

Date of Award


Degree Name

M.S. in Electrical Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Advisor: Temesgen Kebede


In this paper two axis fixture calibration utilizing industrial robot artifact object touch sensing isexplored. The background for the topic of fixture calibration is provided as well as what was done inthis paper. Through this paper, two axis fixture calibration utilizing industrial robot artifact objecttouch sensing is theorized with mathematics, modeled in simulation, further modeled in experimental modeling, tested in experimentation, and verified with a new procedure. Overall, the goal ofautomating the calibration process currently used in Yaskawa controllers was achieved. The new TBcalibration method produces an equivalently accurate calibration to the Yaskawa calibration method,while removing human error with touch sensing. Additionally, a numeric verification method, theTCP verification method, is developed for quantifying the accuracy of the fixture calibration.


Electrical Engineering, Robotic Calibration, Fixture Calibration, Calibration, Touch Sensing, Yaskawa, Motoman

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