The Experiences of Black Male School Psychologists

Date of Award


Degree Name

Ed.S. in School Psychology


School of Education and Health Sciences


Hunley A. Sawyer


This qualitative study examined the experiences of Black male school psychologists in training and practice, and how their status as minorities in this field influences those experiences. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine Black male school psychologists regarding their delivery of school psychological services (assessment, consultation, and intervention), their interactions with colleagues, students, and families, and their perspectives, outlooks, and opinions on recruitment and related professional issues. Thematic analysis yielded six themes: haphazard contact with the field of school psychology, heightened awareness of race and gender, approaching problems of practice with progressive and sometimes unconventional methods, interactions with stakeholders, the need for more and better diversity training, and the need to expose the field of school psychology. Implications for recruiting and supporting Black male school psychologists are discussed.


Psychology, Education, Black, Male, African-American, Disproportionality, Special Education, School Psychology

Rights Statement

Copyright © 2021, author.
