Developing Transformational Leadership Staff Rides for the United States Air Force Reserve

Date of Award


Degree Name

Ed.D. in Educational Leadership


Department of Educational Administration


Meredith Wronowski


The United States military developed leadership staff rides to develop their officers with the leadership skills necessary to lead forces into battle. Using leadership characteristics with on-site historical battlefield examples, staff rides gave leaders an avenue to learn leadership and ramifications of historical decisions. This study focuses on developing Air Force leadership staff rides to help bridge the gap between classroom, book leadership learning and on-site leadership discussions on how historical examples can be interpreted into today's leadership lessons for modern military uses. This grounded theory research, focusing on interviews with professional military members, found how revisiting current leadership topics, and adding unique historical perspectives increased the overall leadership experience and educational development of Air Force members.


Armed Forces, Military Studies, Educational Leadership, military, staff rides, military education, leadership development

Rights Statement

Copyright © 2022, author.
