The Dissemination of Evidence-Based Practices and the Impact on Caregiver’s Decision Making Processes for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Date of Award


Degree Name Educational Leadership


Department of Educational Administration


Meredith Wronowski


Evidence-based practice (EBP) requires professionals to be guided by the best available evidence. When a child is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), caregivers are faced with the task of choosing the best treatment for their child. Caregivers turn to a number of different sources to find information about available treatments not all of them leading to EBP. This research examines caregivers (n = 58) treatment decision-making processes and preferences for collecting information following the diagnosis of ASD for their child. Analysis of the results revealed that caregivers experience concurrent emotional and practical processes when navigating through treatment options. This study concludes with action research plan to improve the disseminating EBP and create a support system for caregivers.


Behaviorial Sciences, Educational Leadership, Special Education, Behavioral Sciences, Evidence-Based Practice, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Therapy, Pseudoscience, Action Research, Applied Behavior Analysis

Rights Statement

Copyright © 2022, author.
