Benefits of a Health Advocacy Session for Self-Care Self-Efficacy in Residents of a Homeless Shelter

Date of Award


Degree Name

M.A. in Clinical Psychology


Department of Psychology


Roger Reeb


Within the context of a 12-year on-going participatory community action research project (Behavioral Activation Project in Homeless Shelters), a health-related intervention (Health Advocacy Behavioral Activation) was developed in response to the current health related crises (exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic) in a homeless shelter. This intervention focused on improving self-efficacy for self-care in shelter residents. Participants included 62 residents, from the St. Vincent de Paul Gateway Shelter for Men. Residents varied from age 18 to 78 and represented numerous racial/ethnic backgrounds. Major hypotheses and corresponding results are as follows: As hypothesized, self-efficacy for self-care, as measured by a newly developed measure (Self-Efficacy for Self-Care and Daily Health), improved from pre- to post-intervention. In addition, another hypothesis supported that the intervention was beneficial regardless of disability status (i.e., residents with disability and residents without disability). This study also yielded findings indicating preliminary psychometric validation for the aforementioned newly developed measure (Self-Efficacy for Self-Care and Daily Health), including internal consistency, criterion-related validity, and convergent validity. The practical and theoretical implications of this study are discussed. Limitations of the current study are considered, and recommendations for future research are provided.


Health Advocacy, Behavioral Activation, Self-Efficacy, Self-Care, Homeless

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