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Journal of Exercise Physiology


Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular or ischemic disease mortality. Obesity as a cause for acquired LQTS in otherwise healthy individuals is rapidly gaining the attention of the scientific community. African American people have a higher incidence of obesity compared to Caucasians, yet race-specific information is not available for their prevalence of LQTS. Chronic physical activity can help reduce the incidence of obesity, yet little is known about the effects of chronic physical activity on acquired LQTS. Subjects in this study were a volunteer sample of African American mothers (21-53 yr, n = 44) and daughters (5-17 yr, n = 66) recruited from the inner city Dayton, Ohio community using posters placed in a local agency that provides assistance for mothers with children. Electrocardiograph (ECG) tracings were drawn, and body weight and height were measured without shoes. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated (weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared). Each subject completed an interviewer administered physical activity questionnaire. QTc (QT interval corrected for heart rate) data were grouped according to subject body mass index (BMI) for normal weight (BMI < 25), overweight (BMI 25 -29.99), and obesity (BMI>30) and statistically analyzed using an ANOVA test to determine if QTc duration was significantly different between BMI groups. Correlation tests were run between physical activity level and QTc, and between mothers' and daughters' QTc. Results indicated a longer QTc for obese mothers and daughters compared to normal-weight mothers and daughters (p = 0.003). Self-reported PA was inversely associated with QTc for mothers and daughters, but reached statistical significance (r = -0.46; p < 0.001) for the obese daughters only. Mother and daughter QTc durations were significantly and positively correlated (r = 0.42; p < 0.0001). These results indicate a positive association between obesity and QTc and an inverse association between PA and QTc.

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The Journal of Exercise Physiology online, published by the American Society of Exercise Physiologists, is a professional peer-reviewed Internet-based journal devoted to original research in exercise physiology. All articles and content are open access (free, full text, from day of publication). JEPonline is the first electronic peer reviewed exercise physiology journal in the history of the profession. It is founded for the purpose of disseminating exercise physiology research and, thus to serve specifically the professional needs of the exercise physiologist. The editors welcome both empirical and theoretical articles.

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