IMRI Foundational and Administrative Documents | International Marian Research Institute | University of Dayton


Submissions from 2014


2014 Agreement between International Marian Research Institute and Faculty of Theology at the Marianum (Rome), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome

Submissions from 2013


Rescriptum: International Marian Research Institute, Congregation for Catholic Education. Institutes of Study


2013 Agreement between International Marian Research Institute and Faculty of Theology at the Marianum (Rome), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome


International Marian Research Institute Statutes (Revised 2013), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome

Submissions from 2008


2008 Agreement between International Marian Research Institute and Faculty of Theology at the Marianum (Rome), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome


International Marian Research Institute Statutes (Renewed 2008), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome

Submissions from 1983


1983 Agreement between International Marian Research Institute and Faculty of Theology at the Marianum (Rome), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome


International Marian Research Institute Statutes (1983), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome

Submissions from 1975


1975 Agreement between International Marian Research Institute and Faculty of Theology at the Marianum (Rome), International Marian Research Institute; University of Dayton; and Pontifical Faculty of Theology of the Marianum, Rome