World Nativity Traditions



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paper, clay, wood, cloth

Exhibition Label

“No Place Like Home,” this year’s main theme, is in fact a journey from “no home” to a “permanent home.” There is no rest for Harold and Cecilia Mushenheim’s wise men. Even on their rest the quest for the star goes on. Typical Zoroastrians, seekers of light, they are equipped with the keys of science to open the secrets of heaven. They will find the answer to their quest not in the skies but on earth, in the distant little town of Bethlehem. Not even the little paradise, looking so much like Monet’s pond with pink water lilies, will be able to tempt them . Nature is no permanent home. Neither is the impressive Crakowian Szopka. The Szopka, a church façade with the Nativity representation in one of its niches, is the symbol of a future more permanent home. And so are the nativity sets in this exhibit. They are also an invitation to cherish the rest on the journey with family and friends...for there is no place like home.


Figures depicting the nativity of Jesus, created by Harold Mushenheim in 2010. The heads are sculpted clay, and the bodies are cloth-wrapped wire armature. The clothing was sewn by Cecilia Mushenheim. Exhibition label originally written by Fr. Johann G. Roten, S.M. for exhibit entitled "At The Manger: No Place Like Home" held at Roesch Library, University of Dayton.


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crèches, nativity scenes, nativities, At the Manger, figurines, Jesus Christ, Dayton (Ohio)


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