"Apparition or Icon? Integrating Critical Visual Literacy into Primary " by Jillian M. Ewalt

Document Type


Presentation Date

Spring 3-27-2019

Conference or Event Name

Art Libraries Society, North America

Conference Location

Salt Lake City, UT


How can art librarians and visual resource professionals embolden undergraduates to find, use, and think critically about images? This poster outlines how visual literacy instruction was integrated into an undergraduate course on archival and primary source research at the University of Dayton. It covers partnerships with instruction librarians and archivists, course structure, hands-on activities utilizing archival images, and assessment. The poster addresses how students were engaged both with visual literacy standards and in thinking critically about how they interact with images. The audience will be encouraged to discuss and reflect on critical visual literacy and feminist pedagogies, instructional partnerships, and practical, high-impact strategies for teaching visual literacy concepts using archives and special collections.
