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Presentation Date


Conference or Event Name

Installation of François Rossier, S.M., as director of the International Marian Research Institute

Conference Location

Dayton, Ohio


Simple as the title "Why Study Mary?" may sound, Father François Rossier situates Marian studies in the broader context of Scripture and the Christian tradition. Making special reference to the Marianist tradition and its intimate connection with the University of Dayton's spirit and vision, he sees in Mary the "origin of theological reflection." It is a reflection that is documented not in a book, but in Mary's person. Being the "first theologian," she has a "concretizing function." She makes Jesus "tangible, concrete, accessible to our senses," but she also helps us "to get a sense of God's action and presence in our world."


This speech was given on the occasion of the installation of Father François Rossier, S.M., as director of the International Marian Research Institute on January 25, 2010.
