The Marianist Educational Kaleidoscope
About the Presenter(s)
Savio D. Franco is director of leadership development, research, and partnerships for the Marianist Province of the United States and works in the Center for Catholic Education at the University of Dayton.
Vocation, Advising, and Mentorship
Start Date
7-1-2020 10:30 AM
Kennedy Union 310
In 2019, we celebrate 200 years of Marianist education – a tradition that has ignited tens of thousands of minds, hearts, and hands all over the world, in over 24 countries. The educational approach that has emerged from this tradition has philosophical depth and practical wisdom that offers rich context and direction for the scholarly adventures and professional formation of learners at Marianist universities today. Furthermore, the 2019 edition of Characteristics of Marianist Universities is just hot off the press and presents a fresh synthesis of the key emphases in this tradition. In this interactive presentation, participants will learn of a newly developed conversational backdrop titled "The Marianist Educational Kaleidoscope," which is a tool to help us visualize our own life journeys and visions for future work in light of (and brightened by) the Marianist charism – potentially discovering the Marianist within and finding new inspiration for the journey ahead.
Goals for Attendees
1. To reflect upon how early Marianists and a few other prominent Marianist educators across our 200-year history have conceptualized and lived out the emphasis on educating the whole person. 2. To explain and demonstrate the conversational backdrop of the “Kaleidoscope” and share materials that participants can use in their own classrooms and communities – to generate holistic conversations that help university educators and students make meaningful connections between their own values and aspirations and the beautiful vision that is the Marianist educational kaleidoscope.
The Marianist Educational Kaleidoscope
Vocation, Advising, and Mentorship
Kennedy Union 310
In 2019, we celebrate 200 years of Marianist education – a tradition that has ignited tens of thousands of minds, hearts, and hands all over the world, in over 24 countries. The educational approach that has emerged from this tradition has philosophical depth and practical wisdom that offers rich context and direction for the scholarly adventures and professional formation of learners at Marianist universities today. Furthermore, the 2019 edition of Characteristics of Marianist Universities is just hot off the press and presents a fresh synthesis of the key emphases in this tradition. In this interactive presentation, participants will learn of a newly developed conversational backdrop titled "The Marianist Educational Kaleidoscope," which is a tool to help us visualize our own life journeys and visions for future work in light of (and brightened by) the Marianist charism – potentially discovering the Marianist within and finding new inspiration for the journey ahead.