Drew Woods State Nature Preserve (DWSNP) is an old-growth forest remnant in west central Ohio that provides a unique opportunity to explore long-term herb-layer dynamics in a setting with minimal anthropogenic disturbance.

Due to its old-growth status, the herbaceous layer of this forest has not experienced the species loss or ecological homogenization that may be associated with large-scale disturbance; therefore, it may be considered a reference site representing historical conditions of forests in this region. The long-term monitoring of forests using repeated sampling of permanent plots is an effective technique for assessing vegetation dynamics and is particularly useful in old-growth forests where experimental manipulations are not allowed. Since the initiation of the McEwan Lab's research program there in 2010, Drew Woods has experienced two ecological invasions — garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and emerald ash borer (EAB).


Browse the Old-Growth Deciduous Forest Dynamics Archive: Drew Woods Collections:

Data Files: Drew Woods Permanent Plots

Image Archive, Drew Woods

Reports, Papers, Presentations