Direct Simulation of a 1-D Shock with State-to-State Rotational Energy Exchange

Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


Publication Source

36th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit


One-dimensional Mach 3.5 and Mach 5 shock are modeled in para-hydrogen (p-H2) using a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method with quantum state-to-state collision cross-sections. Non-Boltzmann rotational population fractions were observed within the shock. The results are compared to a DSMC code using a Borgnakke-Larsen (B-L) energy exchange model. Both constant and temperature variable rotational collision numbers were used in an attempt to match the behavior shown by the quantum state-resolved calculations. A modified B-L model with temperature dependent collision number was also tested empirically to see if a better match could be obtained with the state-resolved calculations.


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American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Place of Publication

Reno, NV
