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News Article
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The enrollment at the University of Dayton for the first term of the 1967-68 school year is a record 10,220. The total is 157 students over last fall's record of 10,063, Rev. Charles J. Lees, S.M., University Provost, announced today. The 10,220 includes full-time and part-time students. Father Lees said that the full-time undergraduate enrollment is 7,456, while the total number of part-time students is 2,764. Of the full-time figure, about half, or 3,736, are from Ohio. Daytonians attending full-time number 1,598, while 1,885 of the 2,764 part-time students are from the city.
Recommended Citation
University of Dayton, "Enrollment record for the first term 1967-68: 10,220" (1967). News Releases. 11856.