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News Article
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Starting this fall, "evening" at the University of Dayton will no longer begin at 4:30 p.m. That's been the starting time of many night classes for undergraduates, and it has served the traditional student resident population well. But it's not convenient for working adults in the Miami Valley who are interested in pursuing an undergraduate degree but can't get to campus until later in the day. In August, the University will start an adult degree program at reduced tuition to serve students who are 24 and older and interested in pursuing undergraduate degrees in business management, communication, psychology, general studies and engineering technology. It's called ADAP, for Adult Degree Advancement Program, and most classes will begin at 5:50 p.m.
Recommended Citation
University of Dayton, "New Slate of Classes, Fees, Schedules at UD Caters to Needs of Adult Students" (1998). News Releases. 11910.