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Paul Laurence Dunbar, primary sources, Black history, Black poets, prominent Ohioans


Letter is on letterhead of the Freedom Manufacturing Company, Room 1, No. 907 G St. NW.

Full text of letter:

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Washington D.C. Mar. 12th 1894

Dear Dunbar: –

Since my arrival in this city I have intended writing you a long letter telling you about the weather and also about Rebecca. I know that either one of these important items would be interesting to a poet, especially the last. I was out with her only a few evenings ago and she talked Paul from her door to the house were we were invited to play euchre and after making several attempts to get up to the head table we managed to get down to the booby table and there we stayed.

“Paul was not near and she could not play.”

Since leaving Pavillon de la Republique D’Haiti À L' Exposition Universelle De Chicago. I have not been up to the mark my eyes have given me much trouble and the financial crisis has of course made things generally dull. Now that the beautiful spring has come I shall go hard to work and make hay while the sun shines.

Mr douglass was saying that he would answer your letter soon, he has been

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very busy working on some new lectures and will leave here in a few days for the east, Miss Jennie who stopped at the Pavilion with her sister Mrs. Douglass is also quite sick at his house which only adds to the heavy work that is in his way.

I will probably go as far east as Boston with him, and may stay there some days in the mean time however I am expecting a position at the Freedman’s hospital under Dr. Williams and if I get it Dunbar I want you to come down in the fall and spend a month or more with me. Which way will you go during the summer?

The good people in the city would be more than pleased to see you. I see Charlie once and awhile. How is Indiana? I wrote her a long letter, but she did not answer it may be that is was not directed properly. How did you leave things in Chicago? Joe was home last week but is now in Boston. I would like to write more but Will Cook is hurrying me and I hope that you will excuse errors. Write soon and believe me to be,

Your brother in black

Chas. Mitchell

609 F. St. N. W

Room 11 Wash. D.C.

Paul Dunbar Dayton Ohio


Primary Item Type

Business Correspondence


This item is part of the Paul Laurence Dunbar House collection at Ohio History Connection, Columbus, Ohio. The collection contains items from 219 N. Summit St., Dayton, Ohio (later 219 N. Paul Laurence Dunbar St.), the home Dunbar purchased for his mother, Matilda J. Dunbar, in 1904. Paul Laurence Dunbar lived there until his death in 1906; Matilda lived there until her death in 1934. It is now the Paul Laurence Dunbar House Historic Site, part of the National Park Service.


Paul Laurence Dunbar, primary sources, Black history, Black poets, prominent Ohioans
